Mahatrifla Ghrita

Properties and Uses
Triphala is considered best for eyes. Hence this ghee is very beneficial for eyes. The use of this ghee is very beneficial in diseases like night blindness, darkness, pain in eyes, poor vision, hemorrhoidal syndrome, constipation, skin related diseases in the body.
If the eyes are red due to increase in bile, if there is swelling in the eyes, if there is difficulty in opening the eyes in light, then consume this ghee mixed with sugar candy and wash the eyes with Triphala water in the morning; this removes eye problems and improves eyesight. People who have eye problems regularly should consume this ghee daily. This keeps the eyes healthy by removing the disease and also strengthens the body. To prepare it, one should do some yoga on Tuesday or Thursday of Shukla Paksha, so that we can see its power very soon.

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