Satavari Ghrita

Benefits and uses of Shatavari Ghrita:
1. Increases strength, semen, complexion and fire and makes the body strong, shapely and powerful.
2. Shatavari Ghrita normalizes menstrual bleeding and excessive menstruation and provides coolness.
3. For women, Shatavari Ghrita cures vaginal pain, vaginitis (inflammation in the vagina) and vaginal disorders.
4. Due to excessive heat and bile- induced burning, the vaginal tract of women gets contaminated, as a result of which the male sperms are destroyed before reaching the uterus. Similarly, sperms keep getting destroyed in the male semen. Regular consumption of Shatavari Ghrita provides great benefits to both men and women and the woman becomes capable of conceiving.
5. Shatavari Ghrit removes the deficiency of sperms (Oligospermia) and increases the number of sperms.
7. This ghee has proved to be successful in curing diseases like blood bile, Vata blood, burning in the body, fever, bile outbreak, obstruction in urination due to bile, etc.

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